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Nathan Baskind lived in Allegheny County, PA with an address in Pittsburgh. During WWII Pennsylvania had many industries to provide for the war efforts like coal and steel. Many citizens worked in these factories and collected scape metal and rubber as well as donated to support the war effort.
Pittsburgh was in an ideal location to have a navel base. It is centralilzed and had the economy and citizens to build and maintain these ships.

With ships and boats mostly used for the war effort, there was a lack of transportation. Railroads took their place and in this picture taken in 1942 in Pittsburgh, it had hundreds of shipments ready to help supply the American war effort.
Pittsburgh was a major leader in the steel industry and still produces steel to this day. During the war, this industry provided jobs and kept the economy stable. This is a picture of Jones and Laughlin Steel Mill in Pittsburgh.

Mollie Best
Carlisle High School, Carlisle, PA
Mr. Wagner
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